I have never trapped moths abroad, because generally it would be too time-consuming, but I often come across moths attracted to lights on a balcony or some-such (toilet blocks are good!). I photograph any interesting-looking ones, and a selection appears here. It is an ongoing page which I shall update each time I manage to identify a few more. The problem is with identification, and outside of Europe it often proves all but impossible. For instance, recent research in to Costa Rica's moths reveals that there are some 12,000, and I can only find photos of less than 5,000, and most of those are pinned museum specimens, which are far harder to clinch an ID since they are usually presented in an unnatural position. However, this is just for interest, and there are some very interesting moths worldwide.
Please contact me if you can help with any identifications. What is perhaps unexpected is the number which look very similar to UK moths. There is a Carpet in Australia which looks very like a Common Carpet, its vernacular name is Similar Carpet. Please excuse the poor photo quality on occasion, this is obviously due to varied light sources.
Last updated 30th July 2024

COMET MOTH Argema mittrei
Madagascar November
FULVOUS HAWK MOTH Coelonia fulvinotata
Madagascar November
A LEOPARD MOTH Hypercompe perplexa
Costa Rica June
BLACK WITCH Ascalapha odonata
Costa Rica June
COQUEREL'S SPHYNX MOTH Batocnema coquerelii
Madagascar November
HIEROGLYPH MOTH Diphthera festiva
Costa Rica June
SNOWBERRY-CLEARWING Hypercompe perplexa.
North Carolina May
SIMILAR CARPET Chrysolarentia-persimilis.
South Australia September
EYE-SPOT ANTHELID Anthela ocellata.
Tasmania October
HERCULES MOTH Coscinocera hercules.
Queensland November
ELLO SPHINX Erinnyis ello.
Brazil September 2009
SPHINX Erinnyis sp. (probably ello).
Brazil September 2009
ASSASIN (Caterpillar) Lonomia obliqua.
Brazil September 2009
SILKWORM MOTH Apatelodes torrefacta.
Brazil September 2009
South Australia September 2019
A LEOPARD MOTH Hypercompe perplexa
Costa Rica June 2022
A LEOPARD MOTH Hypercompe perplexa
Costa Rica June 2022
On board ship Indian Ocean
Thyas honesta.
Sri Lanka November 2023
Unidentified Noctuid.
South Australia September 2019
Unidentified Noctuid.
South Australia September 2019
Unidentified Noctuid.
South Australia September 2019
Unidentified Noctuid.
South Australia September 2019
Unidentified Noctuid.
South Australia September 2019
Unidentified Moth.
Costa Rica June 2022
Unidentified Moth.
Costa Rica June 2022
Unidentified Moth.
Costa Rica June 2022
Unidentified Moth.
Costa Rica June 2022
Unidentified Moth.
Brazil September 2009
Unidentified Moth.
Costa Rica June 2022
Unidentified Moth.
Costa Rica June 2022
Unidentified Moth.
Costa Rica June 2022